Learn About Our Process
The sale of your business can achieve many financial and non-financial goals. We’ve worked with business owners who have a specific number in mind, and other whose sole goal was to make sure his team stayed together post-sale. Every business owner, family, and employee base have different wants, needs, desires, and goals – there are too many different options to count. If you go into a process without understanding and defining your goals, you’ll miss your target at closing and regret it. We won’t let that happen.
Three main factors control you reaching your goals for the sale of your business: (1) the goals themselves (are they complimentary and attainable); (2) the circumstances of your business (i.e., the team, the geography, the revenue, the profitability, the industry, etc.), and; (3) the “market” (i.e., the economy, the buyer pool, the financing options for buyers, etc.). You must understand the factors that underlie your options so you and enter the market as an educated seller.
Too often, small business owners get treated like a nail by advisors that only sell hammers. We’re not a hammer, and you’re not a nail. You may not need or want to simply sell your business on the “open market” to the highest bidder. We consider ALL your options before we move forward. Most others in our business give you one, maybe two options, and both of those options involve selling your business to the highest bidder so they can earn the highest fee. There are at least 12 different types of buyers who may be interested in buying your business. Click here to learn more.
Once we decide on the best path for you, your family, and your employees, we execute in a way that its tailored to your needs and concerns. Sometimes we already have a relationship with just the right buyer and can make a thoughtful introduction. Sometimes we need to cast a wide net and talk to as many potential buyers as possible. Every client is different and deserves a customized plan. One thing for sure – we’re not going to post you for sale on a website and sit back and wait for people to call. We don’t rest until you can.